All About The New Weightloss Supplement
Garcinia Cambogia, also known as Malabar tamarind is a tropical fruit of India and South East Asia. Weight loss supplements made from the extracts of this fruit have been quite popular in the last few years. The peel of Garcinia Cambogia contains hydroxy citric acid (HCA) in high amounts, which is said to play a vital role in weight loss.
The supplements of the fruit typically contain 20-60% of HCA, but some recent studies have shown that supplements with 50-60% of HCA in them have the most benefit. They are said to stop your body’s natural ability to make fat, hindering your appetite and gradually causing you to lose weight.
Is Garcinia Cambogia effective for weight loss?

With numerous weight loss supplements on the market, no one supplement can be credited to be the most effective. As and when there is a new study in the field, there will be new products that take the world by storm. Most studies on Garcinia Cambogia aren’t very recent and most of them indicate that the supplements of this fruit can only cause a modest weight loss.
On average over a period of 2 to 12 weeks, Garcinia Cambogia might cause a loss of 0.88 kgs (2 pounds) more than any other typical weight loss aid. Since the evidence is mixed, the effectiveness of these supplements cannot be guaranteed for weight loss. According to a 2019 research, very few controlled studies have been done on Garcinia Cambogia as a weight-loss supplement in the last 50 years.
The evidence collected so far doesn’t suggest Garcinia Cambogia be worth the hype it received in recent times. It cannot be an effective aid in your weight loss journey considering long-term results. Even considering short-term results, you are more likely to shed weight through your typical healthy diet and workout programs than you do through the supplements of Garcinia Cambogia.
How does it work?
Garcinia Cambogia is said to help you lose weight in two ways. It must be acknowledged that the following nature of the supplement is just a possibility, but not an absolute guarantee.
May reduce appetite
A study conducted on rats showed results of reduced appetite when they are fed with the supplements of Garcinia Cambogia. Similar human studies have resulted in individuals feeling full since their appetite is suppressed. The mechanism of how it can do that is still not clear, but it is suggested that HCA present in Garcinia can increase levels of serotonin in your brain.
Serotonin is a common suppressant of appetite in the human body and it is only an assumption based on the study since there is not any strong research available on the subject. It is also true that such effects are different for each individual and it depends on multiple other factors.
May block the production of fat in your body
Another way for Garcinia cambogia to have an impact on your weight loss is the possibility of it blocking fat production in your body. It can affect the fat levels in your blood and stop new fatty acids from being produced. Some animal and human studies have revealed that it might bring your fat levels down and reduce oxidative stress in your body.
Another study on the same, but with belly fat in focus suggests that it can be more effective in stopping the accumulation of belly fat in obese individuals. However, further studies resulted in a drastic improvement of risk factors for various diseases in obese people who took 2800 mg of the supplements daily for eight weeks. This might be because it inhibits the citrate lyase enzyme, which plays a vital role in fat production.
Side Effects of Garcinia Cambogia
It is safe to consume Garcinia Cambogia in the recommended dosages. However, FDA doesn’t regulate supplements, which means there is no guarantee that the HCA content of Garcinia Cambogia on the label matches the actual HCA present in the supplements.
Some side effects are also recorded by some individuals and the most common of them are:
Some studies have indicated more serious side effects. Intake of more than recommended dosage might cause testicular atrophy (shrinking of testicles) and might affect sperm count in men. There is also a record of a woman having serotonin toxicity after taking Garcinia Cambogia together with her antidepressants. Many studies also indicate the possibility of liver injuries and liver failure in certain individuals. On another note, it is different from stimulants like phentermine, which acts on your central nervous system, causing sleeplessness, and anxiety, and it also affects your blood pressure. Garcinia products don’t have any such effects on the central nervous system.
Everyone who takes the supplements might not have these side effects and these are not the only side effects anyone might report. When you face any symptoms, consult your doctor for advice. It is also important to talk to a health professional before you decide to include supplements in your diet since they might interact with other medicines you take. It is even more important if you have medical conditions like diabetes, risk of heart attack, and dementia.
Though this fruit-derived supplement is taken for weight loss, studies disagree with it. Since the cons outweigh the pros, you might have a better chance at weight loss by changing your lifestyle and opting for healthier meals. Until there is enough evidence and science backing up the effect of weight loss through Garcinia Cambogia, you should not include it in your diet without consultation and recommendation from your doctor.
Interaction With Other Medicines
Garcinia Cambogia may interact with the following medicines:
- Diabetes medications (including insulin)
- Iron supplements
- Asthma medications
- Other supplements
- Anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs
- Serotonin-stimulating antidepressants
- Pain medicines
- Statin and warfarin drugs
Supplements of Garcinia Cambogia may also contain some nutrients like calcium and potassium. It can cause additional effects if you are already using these nutrient supplements in your diet. So, it is better to read the label for ingredients in your supplements. There is also no information about its effect on pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Extra Information
Should you buy the supplements?
Your weight loss journey is supposed to give you long-term results and improve your lifestyle. By making healthier choices constantly, you can attain your desired weight faster than any other method involving supplements and fat burners.
There are diet supplements that are healthy and then there are supplements that do you more harm than good. If you can make a good decision and consult a healthcare professional before you decide, it is all good to consider your options. You can opt for supplements, but not any kind that is new and popular in the market. Choose those that are backed by research and professional recommendations.
So, if you want to include supplements of Garcinia Cambogia in your diet, it is your choice. Go for it if that is the healthiest option for your situation. Don’t take them if you think you are more comfortable with a healthy diet along with nutrient and vitamin supplements. At the end of the day, remember that a doctor consultation is a must.